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Petrossian Caviar Royal Daurenki® Caviar 125g

Petrossian Caviar Royal Daurenki® Caviar 125g


Petrossian Caviar Royal Daurenki® Caviar 125g Serves 2-4

Daurenki® is known as the "caviar lover's caviar." This is perfect for the supertasters, the snobs, the discerning palates and the caviar-lover who has seen it all. Surprise them all with Daurenki®.

Aficionados love Daurenki® for its complex flavor and unique blend of brine and fruity notes. It's a sublime study in contrasts, with a burst of juicy brine, followed by a nuanced flavor profile of dried fruit and toasted grains on the tongue, with savory butter lingering on the finish. 

Every bead of Petrossian Caviar is sustainably raised and hand-selected from the finest farms across the globe, matured to perfection through our care and expertise, then made available to buy online at the peak of taste and texture.


How long does caviar keep fresh?

Caviar is perishable, but it can be maintained for weeks in the proper condition. If the tin's orginal seal is still intact and the caviar is kept refridgerated at a constant 38° F (3.3° C), then Petrossian caviar will maintain its freshness for 3-4 weeks from its delivery date. Once opened, however, the tin should be kept chilled and the caviar must be consumed within 24 hours.

What is the best caviar?

Much like wine grapes, there are many different types (species) of caviar and the “best” is a matter of personal preference. While many experts consider Beluga to be the finest, most sumptuous varietal of all, other aficionados swear by the robust flavors of Ossetra Caviar, the clean profile of Sevruga Caviar, or the endless, buttery finish of Kaluga-Huso Hybrid Caviar. The key is to try as many different varietals as you can to discover your personal favorite

Is the best caviar black?

Not always. While some of the most incredible caviar varietals are black in color, such as Beluga, the elite grades of Ossetra, Kaluga and other fine caviars tend to be light, viridan green or warm auburn in hue. In fact a lighter color of caviar often denotes a batch of exceeding quality and craftmanship. Much like wine grapes, each breed of caviar has its own look, feel and potential. We recommend trying them all to discover the right breed for you.

Special Shipping Information


Delivery days can I select for my order:

Tuesday through Friday


No Delivery on on national holidays:

Please choose a delivery date prior to the holiday Tuesday through Friday. We can not deliver packages On the following holidays or the day thereafter: New Year’s Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. We are also unable to deliver overnight on Mondays.

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